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On The Methodology of the Investigation:

Author:                   City : Baku   Country : Azerbaijan
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All of these “historical” facts might be accepted with "a philosophical calm", except that this kind of information passes from the pages of "Advar”s to the pages of contemporary publications without any critical and comparative analysis of sources. In order to avoid such inaccurate and unprofessional statements it would be enough to look at the original works of Farabi and Urmavi.

A review of the medieval writing sources shows that in time of Farabi the system of maqams and their derivatives was not yet formed. The names only of some maqams were used in such sources as Kabusname (11 century), the poems of Nizami Gendjevi (12 century), the treatise of Nishapuri (13 century) and others. In the thirteenth century, Urmavi created the system of 12 maqams and 6 avaze. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries 24 shubes were added to this maqam system by Maraghi and they were mentioned also in the poems of Nasimi (Agayeva 1973). Abdulqadir Maraghi also wrote about the existence in practical music of a large number of such derivative maqam forms as terkib (Maraghi, Djameul-Alhan: 146). The elaborating system of numerous terkibs (“without end”-“nihayati yok”) was in Turkic “Advar” treatises.

In spite of the external similarity with classical system, the maqam system of Turkic "Advar" was different in both quantitative (7 avazes, 30-120 terkibs, etc.) as well as musical and esthetical aspects. The latter of these being related to the cosmological world outlook of their authors.

“Advar” treatises of the 15-19th centuries give us precious information on the musical art of that period. However, they can not be used as reliable sources for the history of music of that age. “Advar”s of 15-19th centuries need to be investigated carefully and comprehensively. Publications which are based on the study of only a single manuscript (especially if it is an anonymous work) inevitably lead to a falsification of history of music. I will try to confirm this thesis with examples.

As a result of investigations of many years of numerous of manuscripts of treatises on music I have found the authors of some of anonymous works which were copied in the 16-18 centuries. It was discovered that the original texts of this works were written in the 15th century and, accordingly, the position of the musical art described is of that period, not later.

Among those works there are two Turkic Anonymous treatises which are in the library of MSS Department of Institute for Oriental Studies of Saint-Petersburg: No B 1016 (is copied in the 1126/1714 year) and B 992 (is copied in the 941/1534-35 year). In the catalogue of Turkic manuscripts they are noted as “the treatment of some Arabian treatises of Abu Nasr Farabi” (Dmitriyeva: 502). Comparative analyses of various manuscripts revealed that these works are not related to Farabi. No B 1016 is the copy of the treatise “Matlai fi Beyanil-Advar” (it begins from f.4b) by Seydi, the author of the end of 15th century (Fig. 4). And the manuscript No B 992 is a copy of treatise “Zeynu l-Alhan” by Ladiki, who is also an author of the end of 15th century (Fig. 5)

Other examples of the “gain” by anonymous works of their author (or primary source) are the "Advar-Ruhperver" (Leiden), which was attributed to Abdulgadir Maraghi and Saint Petersburgs “Advar” of 18th century (Agayeva:1993). My research of these anonymous works showed that the theoretical parts of it are identical with the texts of "Advar" by Yusif Kirshehri Mevlevi (Fig. 6). Y. Kirshehri lived at the beginning of 15th century. He was one of first authors of a Turkic "Advar" treatise, which was initially written in Persian. His treatise was the basis for many theoretical works, particularly the works by Seydi (15 century), Mirzabey (16-17 centuries) and others.

The establishing of the authorship of anonymous manuscripts changes the interpretation of the substance of the treatises completely. Thus, everything what was attributed to the musical art and science of 17-18th centuries, in fact, belongs to the end of 14th and beginning of the 15th centuries. Naturally, the conclusions of modern publications that have been done based on the investigation of anonymous “Advar”s must be revised.

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